Dear Janus Family of Artists and Supporters,
The Janus Team has been busy checking in with our friends and family as we all navigate the life changes that accompany the current global health crisis. Our team has stayed in contact with one another, virtually of course, to continue our season planning and to discuss the impact of current events on our community and how we can help each other during and after the pandemic.
We are heartbroken at the cancellation of performances from many of our sister companies and by performing arts organizations the world over. We ache for the loss of this art and the impact it has had on our fellow artists. We commend the companies who have chosen to honor their contracts in full.
We know that many of you have suffered a loss of income due to the cancellations not only through performing but from the closure of other service-based businesses. We recognize that fear, panic, anxiety and a feeling of displacement are weighing heavily upon our community. We feel it with you.
To do our part, we have curated a list of resources that may be helpful to you as you navigate this time. In addition to financial resources we have included information for mental healthcare, professional development and morale building. Please note, many of the most popular financial grants and relief funds have exceeded capacity and closed applications. Our list includes grants and funds that are still taking applications at the time of publication. We will continue to monitor available resources and update this list as we have new information.
It is our sincere wish that you remain healthy during this time and that these resources may be helpful to you. Stay strong, stay safe and we will see you on the other side.
With love,
The Janus Team
Updated March 30, 2020
Financial Help
The Adolph & Esther Gottlieb Emergency Grant
Anonymous was a Woman - Emergency Relief Grant
Springboard for the Arts Emergency Relief Fund
Actors Fund – Emergency Financial Assistance
American Guild of Musical Artists – Relief Fund
Artists’ Charitable Fund for Medical Expenses
Equal Sound – Corona Relief Fund for Musicians
Foundation for Contemporary Arts – COVID-19 Relief Fund
The Soze Foundation – Artist + Activist Relief Fund
Sweet Relief – COVID-19 Fund for Musicians and Music Workers
Legal Assistance
Lawyers for the Creative Arts – Coronavirus Resources for the Arts Community
Other Resource Directories
Statera Arts – Emergency Response Directory
COVID-19 & Freelance Artist Resources
City of Chicago - COVID-19 Arts Community Resources
Chicago Artist Guide – COVID-19 Resources for Theatre Artists in Chicago
Mental Health Resources
NAMI online mental health resources
Disaster Distress Helpline Call 1-800-985-5990
National Domestic Violence Hotline Call 1-800-799-7233 and TTY 1-800-787-3224
Sharing Your Art from Your Home
Arts Alliance Illinois – Artist Content Platform Submission
Eventbrite – COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Resources for Event Creators
Experimental Sound Studios – The Quarantine Concerts
StageIt – Online Concert Venue
Think with Google – A Guide to Hosting Your Events on YouTube
Howlround Theatre Commons – Ways of Gathering in the Age of COVID-19
Morale Building - Experience Art from Home
Storefront Rebellion – Chicago Theater Productions You Can Stream at Home
WTTW – Ways to Explore and Experience the World Safely from Home
Choose Chicago – Experience Chicago Online
Professional Development
Introduction to Personal Branding